

Asset administrators

Asset administrators and inheritance without heir

In our modern society many people disappear without officially leaving any heirs. This may cause serious difficulties for the asset administrator responsible for that person (co-ownership unpaid charges, bank charges, local and property taxes, etc.).

Only legitimate heirs are likely to settle these debts and restore asset administrator finances balance after a person's leaving inheritance without heirs decease.

Did you know that you can rely on Cabinet Frayre & Associés in finding the heirs and their right holders?

All the procedudures necessary to accomplish the mission of finding the heirs of inheritance left without apparent successors (costs related to research), are under Cabinet Frayre & Associés responsibility.
Honorarium is fixed basing on the person under asset administrator control found heir net share income percentage only if our research is successful.
It is also stipulated that in case of unsuccessful research, for any reason whatsoever, Cabinet Frayre & Associés remains liable for all costs advanced.
cabinet frayre heritage sans heritier pour administrateurs de biens
